Monday, June 2, 2014

Einfahrt - Part 2

May 31, 2014

Once again, if you are just starting to read this blog, I’m a Kansas City gal, former Californian, an expat living permanently in Ecuador for the last four years – but now in Europe for the next two months to be with my kids and grandchildren living here.
I wrote this a couple of days ago, and only now able to have time to post it:



I love, love, love being here with my daughter and granddaughters, though still jet-lagged and not getting much sleep, as I adjust to being around small kids again and working around their schedules.



And after four years of living in Olón, here are a few other things with which I’m trying to get re-acquainted:

Hot water from kitchen sink.
And drinking water again directly from a sink.
A dishwasher machine.
Efficient toilets that I can throw toilet paper in.
Electricity that is reliable.
Enjoying reasonably priced nice wine that isn’t from a box carton.
Things that seem odd to me now:

Commercial jets and other aircraft flying overhead frequently (because the airspace – I believe – is restricted over the coast of Ecuador).  
When at home in Olón, I - for one - still run outside as soon as I hear a Piper 180 or helicopter fly over when that does happen.  And I get really excited when a military jet flies by.
I still haven’t quite figured out how to use some of the public restroom flush functions, nor the paper towel dispensers (I feel like the character “Nell” from Jodie Foster movie).  And I’m absolutely befuddled by some of the light switches and shower heads here too.
And the stuff available in grocery stores has me in a tizzy.
The apartment complex my daughter lives in has many families with young children, and there is a great nearby playground that I’ve been taking Clara (3-yrs) most every afternoon.

Ironically, one of the first young mothers I’ve gotten to know is Ecuadorian (she and her family are from Guayaquil, though she was USA east coast raised, but looking forward to moving back to Ecuador to be with her family).
I still only know a few words in German:
“Nein” , “ya”, “danke” and a few cuss words.
The word “Einfahrt” means “entrance” (and “Ausfahrt” means “exit” )….I only know these because we’ve been driving  the autobahns or going in and out of parking lots while I’ve been here.

We are planning a 4-5 day jaunt to Prague this coming week and I can’t wait to see that city!

I’ve been exchanging dollars for euros…which looks to me like monopoly money, but of course they are much more valuable.

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