This time we rode to Cuenca with our Olon friends (and Jardines de Olon neighbors), Doug and Pam. Doug did an excellent job driving through foggy Cajas passes, and we made it to Cuenca in record time from Olon – around a 5 ½ -6 hour drive this time, (partially including a stop for lunch in Guayaquil).
Doug and Pam recently bought a town-home in Cuenca, and are (for now) renting a spacious apartment to use while they oversee the remodel. Todd and I stayed there, rather than a hotel this time; it’s conveniently located at the end of Benigo Malo, near the SuperMaxi, and their landlord, Regina is just a hoot. It was fun getting to know her better on this visit.
And one extra special evening, Doug and Pam, Regina, Todd and I had an extraordinary dinner, served in “family sized” main portions, at “Tiesto’s”. The food at Tiesto’s was spectacular, including the talented chef personally serving and greeting the guests. Definitely a place to celebrate exceptional occasions. Call for reservations first.
One was at California Kitchen on Friday night – the last night in their current location – and we spent a fun Sunday afternoon at the “Inca Lounge” (killer hamburgers) with an entertaining crowd.
Several nights we ate at home, one of which we tried cuy “(“koo-wee”). Poor little guinea pigs, but they are considered a delicacy here (more commonly found in the Cuenca and Quito areas than it is along the coast), and I tried a small finger nail size piece of it …”tastes like chicken”, my foot. I guess it wasn’t too bad – more like gamey duck, but thankfully we also bought a roasted chicken to eat as well.
Elizabeth and Rocky |
On a rather more nostalgic note, our Texas neighbors, Randy and Fonda recently sold their home in the Jardines de Olon. We’re going to miss them, but looking forward to meeting the new neighbors from (I think) Alabama.
It’s a rough life, but someone’s gotta do it. So much more to write about , but just beat now.